33 weeks. I can’t believe I only have 7 weeks left-that is so crazy!!! I need to call on Monday and schedule an appointment to get my car seat installed. I was going to try to wait until after my winter break, but I will be almost 36 weeks by then, which is too close for comfort. I had my doctor’s appointment on Wednesday. I don’t like my weight gain, but at this point what can I really do about it. I will just have to focus on losing the weight once the baby is born. My last appointment my belly measured 28.5 inches, this time it was 31 inches (and I was 32.5 weeks) so that is right on. We talked about my birth plan, which makes no sense to me, since you really can’t plan anything surrounding a birth. Its so unpredictable. I am now on the two week appointment schedule. And I made an appointment with the lactation consultant during my break.
The second coat is on half of the wood. So only half of it to go and Dana is all done. He calls me a slave driver-which I probably am, but we need to get it done. We could have this baby any day now.
Only 3 days of work left before break. I can’t wait to just stay home and relax for a bit. I have been feeling so pregnant this week and sleeping like crap.
Well I think that’s it for now-I should head to bed, since I know I won’t be sleeping very good anyways.
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