34 weeks, 5 days. I can’t believe that on Friday I will only have 5 more weeks left. That is crazy! Yesterday I met with the lactation consultant. Nothing too exciting about that. Had to watch a video and then meet with her. She asked some questions-that’s about it. Then I went and got my car seat base installed in my car. It is going to be a very tight squeeze. When the seat is in, Dana won’t be able to sit in the passenger seat. It is even hard to get the car seat in through the door opening. When we have the baby and Makyla, we will have to use the truck, because Dana won’t be able to sit in the car. We will be getting a new vehicle, a minivan, in March or April, with our tax rebate money. But until then we will have to work with what we have.
Today I had a doctors appointment. I gained 3 lbs in 2 weeks. I decided I can’t worry about it anymore. You are suppose to gain about a pound a week from now on, and with the holidays and all the food that I have been eating, I think 3 lbs is good. My belly measured 34 inches, which is good. The doctor tried to tell if the baby had turned yet to be head down. He could not tell, so I have to go for an ultrasound on Monday. I am not going to worry about it yet, because he just couldn’t tell. If the baby is breech, my options are to try to physically turn the baby or get a c-section. But we will cross that bridge when we come to it. I can’t wait to see the ultrasound pictures though-they are going to be very detailed. My next appointment is Jan. 15th when I will be 37 weeks. I can’t believe I am going to be having this baby soon! Tried to get the car seat base installed in the truck today. Unfortunately the guy at the Derby Line Ambulance who does it was out on a call, so I couldn’t do it. At least we have it in one vehicle-I will have time to do it in the truck later on.
That’s it for now. If you haven’t called to rsvp for the baby shower, please do so. Remember, I don’t know when it is, just that the invites have gone out.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
34 Weeks
34 weeks, 3 days. The countdown has began. I know that my baby shower invites have finally gone out, but I don’t know when the shower is. If you haven’t called to RSVP, please do so.
The wood is finally all done. Now Dana is cleaning the basement out so we can have the electrician come in. Its coming right along. I went on a cleaning spree yesterday. Finally cleaned out the cold attic. You can actually walk around now in it.
Still sleeping like crap, but I am told its to be expected. Have appointments with the lactation consultant, car seat installation and then a doctors appointment. Busy week!
Christmas was great. It was nice to see Makyla’s face Christmas morning. She really had a great time!

A CD my mom got us that says Emma's name thoughout the cd

The head board and side of the crib my mom bought for us
The wood is finally all done. Now Dana is cleaning the basement out so we can have the electrician come in. Its coming right along. I went on a cleaning spree yesterday. Finally cleaned out the cold attic. You can actually walk around now in it.
Still sleeping like crap, but I am told its to be expected. Have appointments with the lactation consultant, car seat installation and then a doctors appointment. Busy week!
Christmas was great. It was nice to see Makyla’s face Christmas morning. She really had a great time!

A CD my mom got us that says Emma's name thoughout the cd

The head board and side of the crib my mom bought for us
The bedding set my mom bought
The bedding set my sister, Melanie bought for us
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Dana decided that he needed to make Makyla a barn out of a cardboard box. Makyla is parking her tractors in there and now the animals are going in the barn. I told Dana he should have made a bigger one! Now they are pretending that the animals are going outside to poop and pee and then they have to wash it off with the hose! Lol. How cute! Dana went in the kitchen to start supper and Makyla said “Daddy play with me” aww, that just melts the heart! Now she made Dana make a bigger door and more windows-even a sky light!
Friday, December 18, 2009
33 weeks
33 weeks. I can’t believe I only have 7 weeks left-that is so crazy!!! I need to call on Monday and schedule an appointment to get my car seat installed. I was going to try to wait until after my winter break, but I will be almost 36 weeks by then, which is too close for comfort. I had my doctor’s appointment on Wednesday. I don’t like my weight gain, but at this point what can I really do about it. I will just have to focus on losing the weight once the baby is born. My last appointment my belly measured 28.5 inches, this time it was 31 inches (and I was 32.5 weeks) so that is right on. We talked about my birth plan, which makes no sense to me, since you really can’t plan anything surrounding a birth. Its so unpredictable. I am now on the two week appointment schedule. And I made an appointment with the lactation consultant during my break.
The second coat is on half of the wood. So only half of it to go and Dana is all done. He calls me a slave driver-which I probably am, but we need to get it done. We could have this baby any day now.
Only 3 days of work left before break. I can’t wait to just stay home and relax for a bit. I have been feeling so pregnant this week and sleeping like crap.
Well I think that’s it for now-I should head to bed, since I know I won’t be sleeping very good anyways.
The second coat is on half of the wood. So only half of it to go and Dana is all done. He calls me a slave driver-which I probably am, but we need to get it done. We could have this baby any day now.
Only 3 days of work left before break. I can’t wait to just stay home and relax for a bit. I have been feeling so pregnant this week and sleeping like crap.
Well I think that’s it for now-I should head to bed, since I know I won’t be sleeping very good anyways.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
32 weeks
32 weeks, 4 days. I am officially 8 months pregnant!-ahhhhhhhh! For all of you who don’t know, you are actually pregnant for 10 months, since they go by 4 week months. So I have 7.5 weeks left to go. I am stressing out a bit. Dana is just barely starting on polyurethaneing the wood. I was hoping to be able to have to sheetrock guy come in by the 1st of the year-but that doesn’t look like it will be happening. I am also stressed about my baby shower. I typed up all the addresses and gave my mom and sister the printed labels, but they haven’t sent anything out yet. I want it at the very beginning of January, but they way its looking it looks more towards the middle of January. Which makes me nervous in case I deliver early. As you all know I am a very organized person, and need to have control over things. Not having control over this is driving me crazy. I will feel much better when everything is done and ready. I need to have my shower to see what else I need to buy. Its driving me insane!
We went to our last childbirth class on Saturday. I found it very informative and helpful. We got to visit the maternity ward and listen to the baby with the fetal monitor. Baby Emma did not like it and instantly started kicking when it was on. Dana had to give me a massage again, which was lovely!
After childbirth class we drove to Concord, nh for the night. We went out to eat with one of Dana’s friends. I had apple chicken, which was very yummy! We stayed the night at Best Western and then went Christmas shopping all day Sunday. We went and saw Dana’s cousin at the Christmas tree stand and went out to eat with my best friend, Mand. We left Concord after lunch, around 2ish and headed to Tilton. Didn’t stay there long and headed to the Super Walmart in Plymouth. When we left Tilton it had started to snow heavily. By the time we left Plymouth, the roads were horrible! We didn’t make it home until 9:45 pm! Thank goodness Rene came over and plowed for us! It was a very long day!
I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. I will update you all then. And another thing that makes me mad-I schedule my appointments for after 4:00 so I don’t have to leave work early since I am saving all my time for my maternity leave. Every month the doctors office calls to confirm my appointment and asks me to come in earlier, which I tell them that I can’t. Well obviously if I have scheduled my appt for after 4 every single time, and every single time I tell you that I can’t come earlier, then why do you keep asking! Why offer me appointments after 4:00 if you don’t want me to come that late! Ugh!
Sorry, that’s enough for now.
We went to our last childbirth class on Saturday. I found it very informative and helpful. We got to visit the maternity ward and listen to the baby with the fetal monitor. Baby Emma did not like it and instantly started kicking when it was on. Dana had to give me a massage again, which was lovely!
After childbirth class we drove to Concord, nh for the night. We went out to eat with one of Dana’s friends. I had apple chicken, which was very yummy! We stayed the night at Best Western and then went Christmas shopping all day Sunday. We went and saw Dana’s cousin at the Christmas tree stand and went out to eat with my best friend, Mand. We left Concord after lunch, around 2ish and headed to Tilton. Didn’t stay there long and headed to the Super Walmart in Plymouth. When we left Tilton it had started to snow heavily. By the time we left Plymouth, the roads were horrible! We didn’t make it home until 9:45 pm! Thank goodness Rene came over and plowed for us! It was a very long day!
I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. I will update you all then. And another thing that makes me mad-I schedule my appointments for after 4:00 so I don’t have to leave work early since I am saving all my time for my maternity leave. Every month the doctors office calls to confirm my appointment and asks me to come in earlier, which I tell them that I can’t. Well obviously if I have scheduled my appt for after 4 every single time, and every single time I tell you that I can’t come earlier, then why do you keep asking! Why offer me appointments after 4:00 if you don’t want me to come that late! Ugh!
Sorry, that’s enough for now.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
31 weeks
I am now 31 weeks, 1 day. 9 more weeks to go. How crazy is that! Dana and I went to our first day of childbirth class today. It was pretty informative, lots of pictures and video. We practiced breathing techniques and Dana got to learn to how to massage me during labor. (I think that was the best part!) We go again next Saturday.
The new cover came in for the car seat. Makyla and I put in on and then Makyla made me put a doll in it, buckle it up, and she played with it for a bit. Makyla also helped me wrap Kiarah’s birthday presents. She turns 6 on Monday. How time flies!
They are posting my maternity leave position on Monday. Even though I am taking 8 weeks off, 1.5 of that is Feb. break, so the position is 6.5 weeks. But they are also posting my position with 6 other permanent full time positions. Who is going to want to take my job when there are all these other jobs available! This sucks!
Dana has made progress on the staining. He worked on it Monday and wed. with his mom. Maybe it will be finished before I know it!
The new cover came in for the car seat. Makyla and I put in on and then Makyla made me put a doll in it, buckle it up, and she played with it for a bit. Makyla also helped me wrap Kiarah’s birthday presents. She turns 6 on Monday. How time flies!
They are posting my maternity leave position on Monday. Even though I am taking 8 weeks off, 1.5 of that is Feb. break, so the position is 6.5 weeks. But they are also posting my position with 6 other permanent full time positions. Who is going to want to take my job when there are all these other jobs available! This sucks!
Dana has made progress on the staining. He worked on it Monday and wed. with his mom. Maybe it will be finished before I know it!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
30 weeks :)
So I am now officially 30 weeks pregnant. (today, Sunday, 30 weeks 2 days) 10 more weeks to go, but if the baby wanted to it could come at any time, which is very scary to me. Baby Emma, you better stay in there! I gave my mom and sister the addresses for my baby shower, so that is all set. My registries are all set up at JCPenny and Babies’r’us. I am looking more for the necessities then the clothes (although I know from personal experience how hard it is to walk past the adorable girls cloths in the store)
We are still trying to decide on a middle name for Emma. We have two options right now. Emma Monique Bathalon (after my grammy) or Emma Christine Bathalon (after Dana’s sister). Opinions anyone?
Both of my Thanksgiving’s were good. I ate way too much food of course. At one point I had to stick gum in my mouth so I would stop eating! At the Brasseur Thanksgiving, Dana got paged for work and had to leave (good thing it was after he ate). He was gone for 4-5 hours trying to restore the power.
Dana has finally finished sanding all the wood and now is onto the staining. I guess that’s progress.
Dana picked me up from the Brasseur thanksgiving after being called out for work. 30 weeks, 1 day.
Memere and Rissi
(isn't she so cute, 6 months now)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Pregnancy Updates
I have decided to start this blog to share my pregnancy experiences with you all. Also, because of the new hospital visitor policy, where only 2 people can come visit me the whole time I am in the hospital, I figured this would be a great way to share photos with everyone.
I went for a doctor’s appointment on Monday, Nov. 23rd. I gained 3 lbs this time around, 20 pounds total. My belly went from 24 inches to 28.5 inches. I was 29 weeks 3 days at the time of the appointment, so everything is right on track. I had to get my rhogam shot, since I am Rh negative. But besides that, the appointment went well. I got a huge “mommy homework” folder of all the stuff I have to do to get ready for the baby. This really hit me hard, and made we realize that although I still have 10 weeks left, in all actually the baby could come at any time. I have so much stuff to do. So on Tuesday, I called and scheduled an appointment with Newport Pediatrics for a prenatal check-in with Dr. Bannock. I still have to make an appointment with the lactation consultant and get my car seat installed.
We still need to finish our basement before the baby comes. This is making me the most anxious. I can’t help Dana do anything, so he is having to do all the sanding my himself. He does a couple of pieces after supper at night, but between being tired from working all day, and hunting season going on, it is very slow progress. I wanted to basement finished before Christmas, but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen-which is making me very nervous. He has to finish sanding, then stain all the pieces, then we have to clean everything out of the 3 rooms. Then our electrician has to come finish, then we have to get sheetrock hung, taped, and mudded, then paint, put flooring in, cut and nail all the woodwork in! Its just so much to do and I feel so useless. And I feel bad but I have to keep nagging Dana to work on it, because I am so worried that my house is going to be in pieces when the baby comes. Ugh! And to top it all off, because Dana broke his leg over the summer and was out of work, we don’t have enough money saved up. It sucks!
Anyways, the move on, I have no real complaints about the pregnancy. I was never sick and have had no real concerns. My next doctors appointment is in 3 weeks, on Dec. 16th. At this appointment I will have to review my birth plan with Dr. Stuart. Just reading over the paperwork makes me scared!
I went for a doctor’s appointment on Monday, Nov. 23rd. I gained 3 lbs this time around, 20 pounds total. My belly went from 24 inches to 28.5 inches. I was 29 weeks 3 days at the time of the appointment, so everything is right on track. I had to get my rhogam shot, since I am Rh negative. But besides that, the appointment went well. I got a huge “mommy homework” folder of all the stuff I have to do to get ready for the baby. This really hit me hard, and made we realize that although I still have 10 weeks left, in all actually the baby could come at any time. I have so much stuff to do. So on Tuesday, I called and scheduled an appointment with Newport Pediatrics for a prenatal check-in with Dr. Bannock. I still have to make an appointment with the lactation consultant and get my car seat installed.
We still need to finish our basement before the baby comes. This is making me the most anxious. I can’t help Dana do anything, so he is having to do all the sanding my himself. He does a couple of pieces after supper at night, but between being tired from working all day, and hunting season going on, it is very slow progress. I wanted to basement finished before Christmas, but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen-which is making me very nervous. He has to finish sanding, then stain all the pieces, then we have to clean everything out of the 3 rooms. Then our electrician has to come finish, then we have to get sheetrock hung, taped, and mudded, then paint, put flooring in, cut and nail all the woodwork in! Its just so much to do and I feel so useless. And I feel bad but I have to keep nagging Dana to work on it, because I am so worried that my house is going to be in pieces when the baby comes. Ugh! And to top it all off, because Dana broke his leg over the summer and was out of work, we don’t have enough money saved up. It sucks!
Anyways, the move on, I have no real complaints about the pregnancy. I was never sick and have had no real concerns. My next doctors appointment is in 3 weeks, on Dec. 16th. At this appointment I will have to review my birth plan with Dr. Stuart. Just reading over the paperwork makes me scared!
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