So I realized that I haven’t written anything in awhile. Emma keeps my very busy.
My water broke on Feb. 3rd, just after 7:00 pm. Dana and I finished packing our bags and headed to the hospital. When I got to the hospital I was 2 cm dilated. I had back labor-the most painful thing ever! I tried to get in the bath tub with jets, but that didn’t help. I asked for IV pain medicine. However, that didn’t do anything. The contractions were very painful and coming every 4 minutes-I barely had any break. Around 12 am I was 4 cm dilated. I was still in so much pain that finally at 12:30 am I got an epidural-that was wonderful! I was virtually pain free and was able to take some naps. However, around 6 am, the pain started to come back. Around 7:30 I was 8 cm. I was able to start pushing around 8:30. I pushed until around 11. I was in so much pain-usually women want to push, it alleviates the pain. However, it hurt me to push. At 11, dr. stuart say that Emma wasn’t making much progress. We had 2 options-to use the vacuum to try to help her along or do a c-section. Dana and I opted for the vacuum. We tried for 30 minutes with the vacuum, but Emma was just not moving. Finally, we had no other options but doing a c-section. I was whisked from the delivery room to surgery, were Emma was born at 12:30 pm. She weighed 6 lbs 14.2 ounces and was 20 ¾ inches long. Dana went with Emma back up to the maternity ward, where my mom and Dana’s mom were waiting, while I was stitched up and brought to recovery.
On Thursday we attempted breast feeding. Emma would not feed from me, so I had to use a breast shield. It is annoying to use, but at least she is eating now. Emma had a bit of jaundice. On Friday, she tested at 10 (16 being bad). On Saturday, she tested at 14.5. They should have made us stay another day, but we got to go home on Saturday. She left the hospital weighing 6 lbs 4 ounces. We had our next appt at the doctors on Monday, 2/8, where she weighed 6 lbs 2.5 ounces. The doctor was not impressed with her weight. I had been letting Emma set the feeding schedule, but the doctor told me I have to feed her every 2.5 hours, even at night. Dr. Bannach told me a better start setting my alarm. On Wednesday Emma woke up with green stuff on her eye, not being able to open it. We brought her back to the doctors, where we found out that she had pink eye. We have to put ointment in it 3 times a day. She now weighed 6 lbs 7 ounces. We then had to go to the hospital and get her jaundice tested again. It came back at 9, which is good. We had our last appt. on Friday, 2/12. Emma weighed 6 lbs 8 ounces. She gained just about 6 ounces in 5 days!!!
Emma is keeping mommy pretty busy. I am basically chained to my glider, feeding her all the time. But I love being a mom. To feel something so deeply about someone is amazing. She is so beautiful and precious, I love her so much. Dana has been awesome. He has helped me out so much. He is so good with Emma. He gave Emma her first 3 sponge baths. Unfortunately Dana had to go back to work, so now its just me and Emma. But we love to see daddy when he gets home.
Our next doctors appt is on Thursday , 2/18. Look for another update then.